UPCOMING EVENTS: Latest on Russia, Central Asia and the Caucasus - 31/07/2024, Latest Geopolitical Insights with Niall Ferguson - 11/09/2024, How to Invest in Emerging Markets - 25/09/2024, IRF Education: How to... Manage Fear, FOMO vs. FOLO and Volatility in Your Investment Process - 26/09/2024,


Mission Statement

We help Investors source Providers to enhance their process and returns.


  • Conduct due diligence on Providers to assess quality and differentiation.

  • Understand Investors’ specific research and data requirements.

  • Introductions are made through one-on-one meetings, group calls and conferences, as well as The Directory, The Cut and Podcasts via the website.

  • All introductions are compliant with MiFID II regulation.

  • As a broker IRF fees are met by Providers so we are complementary service to the buy-side.


Investors use IRF to discover:

  • Forensic Accountants

  • World Renowned Economists

  • Politics and Policy Experts

  • Sector Specialists

  • Event Driven Research

  • Alternative Data Sources