UPCOMING EVENTS: Latest on Russia, Central Asia and the Caucasus - 31/07/2024, Latest Geopolitical Insights with Niall Ferguson - 11/09/2024, How to Invest in Emerging Markets - 25/09/2024, IRF Education: How to... Manage Fear, FOMO vs. FOLO and Volatility in Your Investment Process - 26/09/2024,

Global Financial Market: Momentum, Risks and Outlook

Ron William

RW Advisory

26 July, 24

“Monetary Policy and the Hidden Financial Stability Agenda”

Peter Warburton

Economic Perspectives

1 July, 24

“Is the EU on the Right Track?”

Wolfgang Munchau


27 May, 24

“Is An Inflation Regime Change Underway?”

Manoj Pradhan

Talking Heads Macro

24 April, 24

“The US Economic, Political and Investment Outlook”

Chris Czerwinski

ACG Analytics

28 March, 24

The Politics of Macroeconomic Stabilisation in Argentina; Can President Milei Succeed?

Nicholas Watson


21 March, 24

Global Investing at a Time of War

David Murrin

Global Forecaster

28 February, 24